It's easy to SPELLCHECK your Internet Mail and News messages! Working Software's low-priced SPELLSWELL PLUS is a comprehensive spelling checker that "hooks up" with Internet Mail and News using a special MacOS system-level technology called "Apple Events" that lets both programs "talk" to each other as if they are one program! Here's how it works: To spellcheck a message while you are in Internet Mail and News choose "Spellcheck Internet Mail and News" from the Apple menu. SPELLSWELL PLUS is started, your document is analyzed and your corrections are placed in your e-mail message! "Spellcheck Internet Mail and News" is also available as a menu item from SPELLSWELL PLUS. You can also use Spellswell Plus directly with many other programs. Spellswell Plus works on any Macintosh running System 7 or later. Visit Working Software at to learn more, download a demo version or order SPELLSWELL PLUS! Give your e-mail messages maximum clout. SPELLSWELL PLUS makes sure every message you send is letter-perfect! Working Software, Inc.